Meet Michelle

Hellooooo spiritual being – thank you for being here 🙂

My name is Michelle.

I’m originally from a small town called Newcastle in Australia.

I started my spiritual journey in March 2019, my 25th birthday, knowing in my soul that I was unhappy, I couldn’t pin point exactly why. ⁣⁣

An acquaintance had recently been to a detox retreat in Thailand and came back a completely different person because of Reiki. She was so calm and at peace and mentioned how her third eye was open. When I heard this I couldn’t stop laughing. I was never one to meditate or ever dived into the spiritual world before however I was always interested in tarot card readings. ⁣⁣

I decided to give it a go and it wasn’t until after I attended my first reiki healing session with my now Reiki master, Simon Sutherland, that I honestly saw the world in a different light. I still to this day can’t fully explain it but it was like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. I knew it was time I had to start forgiving a family member for issues that happened over 13 years ago. ⁣

I had previously been to psychologists but wasn’t 100% satisfied with talk therapy and overall the end results as I wasn’t provided with any tools to help me to work through the blockages I had. ⁣⁣

My soul purpose is to guide and provide you with practical tips and tools that have helped me through my own healing journey.

Please feel free to read the testimonials by previous clients and if you have any questions about Reiki or the sessions I hold, I would be more than happy to connect with you.

Looking forward to meeting you soon⁣⁣

Lots of Love,


Qualifications and Associations:

Reiki 1, 2 & 3 Masters Usui Shiki Ryoho method (Simon Sutherland), Holistic Counsellor (Luna Holistic), NLP (Alison Courses), Member of Reiki International Organisation, Member of International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine, Kundalini Reiki 1 (Flora and Fauna Reiki)

History of lineage:

⁣⁣Dr Mikao Usui -> Dr Chijiro Hayashi -> Mrs Hawaya Takata -> Iris Ishikuro -> Arthur Robinson -> Jeanine Sande -> Judith Tripp Chasen -> Linda Perry -> Dorinda Rose Berry -> Nikorn Bandjerlert -> Roger Moore -> Simon Sutherland -> Michelle Mansour

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